Vendors Still Selling Food In School Despite Cholera Outbreak

Weeks after the Minsitry of Education introduced guidelines which include the ban of selling food in Secondary and Primary Schools in the country to fight the further spread of Cholera Disease, some vendors are still selling food in school premises in Monkey Bay.

A recent snap check in schools such as Lisumbwi Secondary School and Monkey Bay Primary School found learners buying food from vendors during break time.

Some vendors who talked to our reporters at Monkey Bay Primary School said its hard for them to stop selling food at the school since that is the only source of income to support their families.

However Tamala Mphande Mauzu a teacher at Monkey Bay primary school who is also coordinator for sanitation says the school is committed to ensuring that learners practice hygiene all the times and are in talks with surrounding communities in regard to the guidelines.

Mangochi has recorded more than 3 cases of Cholera with one being of a 15 Year old female that arrived with parents from Karonga via Nkhata Bay on a ship.

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