Most Malawians and older persons in Malawi live in awful poverty, usually have poor health and nutritional statuses and they have poor housing or shelter. Social exclusion also sees them not participating in activities taking place in their areas. Some of them also stay alone. Compounding an already dire situation for the older persons, they have also become victims of baseless witchcraft accusations. Official figures show that 26 older persons have been killed in the past two years on allegations of practicing witchcraft.
A Giving Hand Foundation (AGHF) is a nonprofit organization of volunteers seeking to reverse the situation and ensure that older persons are living a decent life and their right to life is respected. It is against this background that AGHF is looking for material and financial resources to enable it reach out to poor Malawians and older persons with health, food and other socio-economic welfare services. We also plan to organise community meetings to speak against mob justice on older persons. We believe getting old is a blessing that needs to be cherished and not a curse to be despised
For further inquiries , Email: [email protected], or visit our office in Lilongwe Area 3, Behind NBS Bank, Next premier Bet Head Office, in Jadil Hadrian House, First Floor, Office No 15.
Mobile ; Suleman Chitera :+2658814228759/994095804
Denis Kazembe : +265999474000/0888976660