Government To Go Ahead With Refugees Relocation Exercise

Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale Ng’oma on Tuesday told concerned members of Small Scale Business Operators Association (SSBOA) that government is prepared to conduct relocation of refugees back to Dzaleka Refuge

In his assurance during the meeting at Capital Hill with Association members, Zikhale said even government is very much concerned that most of the refugees are in the community operating their businesses illegally.

He said instead of staying at Dzaleka, refugees have created competition with locals in terms of business.

“Government is ready to get them back to Dzaleka in accordance with the law since the laws do not allow them to stay or ply businesses where they are,” said Zikhale Ng’oma.

He added that most refugees are not genuine refugees as they travelled from their countries to become economic refugees here by operating businesses in different communities.

He said his ministry is surprised to learn that out of over 3, 000 refugees and asylum seekers only 45 returned voluntarily back to Dzaleka during the 15 day period the Ministry issued.

In his remarks, General Secretary for Small Scale Business Operators Association Tenson Mulimbula said they are tired with promises and assurances and what they want is action by government on the matter since the law is clear.

He told the Minister that his team was ready with petrol to take action on their own to torch shops owned by refugees and asylum seekers but were told to act in accordance with the law.

He expressed concern over the increase in alleged mockery words by refugees who say that the relocation issue is like the national anthem meaning nothing will be implemented.

He further demanded that government should implement the exercise before expiry of 30 days from the day of this meeting, threatening that they take unspecified action if this fails.

Both sides agreed to meet again on 18th May, 2023 for postmortem meeting.

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