Ombudsman Orders Malawi Police Service to Apologize to Former Employee

By Burnett Munthali 

Ombudsman Grace Tikambenji Malera has directed the Malawi Police Service (MPS) to issue a written apology to Mr. Tchaka Soko, a former employee, for failing to provide reasons for his dismissal. This decision follows a complaint Soko filed with the Ombudsman’s office in 2007, alleging that he was dismissed from his position in 1992 without proper notice.

In her determination, Honorable Malera has instructed the MPS to deliver the written apology to Soko within 30 days from the release of the determination. The directive emphasizes that the apology should address the lack of communication regarding the reasons for his discharge.

While the Ombudsman found that the MPS did not err in dismissing Soko due to prolonged illness, she underscored the procedural oversight in not providing Soko with a formal explanation for his termination. This decision reflects a commitment to ensuring transparency and accountability in employment practices within public institutions.

The Ombudsman’s ruling aims to rectify the procedural lapse and uphold the principles of fair treatment and due process in employment matters. The MPS is expected to comply with the directive promptly to address the grievance raised by Mr. Soko

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