Thyolo PEAs receive motorcycles

Thyolo, July 22: Thyolo District Council has distributed eight motorcycles valued at K27.2 million to eight of its Primary Education Advisors (PEAs) in the district.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) after handing over the motorcycles at the District Council Offices, Chairperson for Education Committee in the district, Rhustin Banda, expressed gratitude saying the motorcycles would improve education system in the district.

“We decided to disburse these motorcycles to our PEAs as the district comprises of terrain that makes movement difficult hence handing over these motorcycles to our officers so that they will be able to work even in hard to reach areas easily, ” he said.

Thyolo has 16 PEAs as such Banda was quick to say the council would purchase motorcycles for the remaining PEAs in the next financial year.

PEA for Thekerani Zone, Billy Chakuma hailed the donation as it would eliminate some of the challenges they were facing.

“We will be able to travel to different schools without problems in discharging our duties hence promoting education in the district,” he said.

Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) President, Willie Malimba, who is a PEA for Chisawani Zone, said advisors they visit a lot of schools in the zone some of which they fail to reach due to mobility challenges.

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