NGO, MOH join hands in early warning sensitization in Nsanje

By: Martin Gela Jnr-Correspondent

The Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) and Ministry of Health have started providing early warning awareness amid clear signs of disasters in Nsanje district.

Speaking at Chikhao in the area of Senior Chief Tengani in the district, Program Manager for DAPP, Charity Vanessa Phiri said they decided to conduct sensitisation activities to warn people living in flood prone areas to prioritise their safety.

“We are doing this to make people to be alert. We do not want to lose lives and property,” said Phiri.

Nsanje District Focal Person for Health, Collins Tembo said during the sensitization that they will continue discharging their work by providing health services to all.

“It is important for the people to prepare to move upland because there are clear signs of flooding this year. I urge those on ART, TB medication, hypertitis and contraceptives to go to safe places with their medication unlike waiting for floods to strike and wash away their drugs,” said Tembo.

Village Head Woman Sachoka from the area thanked both DAPP and Ministry of Health for the campaign saying last year the area lost a 7 year old girl due to Cyclone Gombe which made Ndiola river to flood and swept the little girl.

During the sensitizing, DAPP and Ministry of Health brought two famous Nsanje based musicians, Thifu and J-Maga who spicied the events.

DAPP and Ministry of Health are implementing the project from April, 2022 to March, 2023 with funds from Christian Aid.

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