WOLREC distributes 20 sewing machines in Ntchisi

By Mphatso M’bang’ombe.

The Women’s Legal Resources Centre [WOLREC] has distributed 20 sewing machines to Gender Based Violence [GBV] survivors in the areas of two traditional authorities Chilooko and Kalumo in Ntchisi for their income generating initiatives.
The distribution of the sewing machines is in line with WOLREC project being implemented in the district of empowering women and girls to live a free life from Gender Based Violence [GBV] and able to access Sexual and Reproductive Health [SRH] services in the district.
Speaking during the presentation ceremony, WORLEC Project Officer Prisca Nyasulu, said the sewing machines will help women and girls survivors of Gender Based Violence to start small scale businesses for supporting themselves and their families.
Nyasulu said the machines will go a long way towards making the women and girls free from gender based violence and oppressions that is common in families due to economic dependency on men as providers of food and money in the families.
….’’These machines will help these women and girls to live a more productive life of dependencies own their own that with a little they will be getting, their lives will not be the same,’’….she said.
She said her organization has given out MK9 million to 30 groups from the areas of the two traditional authorities Chilooko and Kalumo in the district to boost up their capitals expressing hope that with good utilization of the capitals, an impact in their lives will be registered.
Speaking at the function, Senior Chief Chilooko thanked WOLREC for coming with a project in the district which is empowering women and girls to live a free life from gender based violence appealing to other organizations to emulate the example set.
Chief Chilooko said WORLEC interventions in the district will help the most marginalized women and girls to do small scale businesses in their respective communities thereby taking part in the development of their areas, communities, district and the country as a whole.
He asked the beneficiaries of the sewing machines to utilize the support to their maximum benefit so that the intended goal of the project is achieved in their areas and communities as well as sustainability purposes.
WORREC is implementing Empowering Women and Girls to live a free life and able to access Sexual Reproductive Health [SRH] in Ntchisi with funding from Danish Church Aid [DCA] and Norwegian Church Aid [NCA] country joint program

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