We Expected Warnings Only Not Suspension – Tidziwenji

One of the concerned students against academic calendar, Louis Tidziwenji who has been served with  a strong warning has expressed disappointment with the administration’s decision of serving one of them, Ekari Mathuka with a different punishment on the same charges that all the 7 were alleged to commit.

In an interview with Chanconews, Tidziwenji has said the suspension of Mathuka is a clear indication that the administration had other issues beyond the ones that were leveled against him during disciplinary hearing.

Further, Tidziwenji has said they were expecting to be served only with a strong warning as they issued a public apology to the speakers before being summoned for the disciplinary hearing.

Former Student Representative Council Director of academic affairs, Mayamiko Juma  has also blamed the current Speakers, Gabriel Nyondo and Ethel Tambulasi for failing to handle the issues professionally as they could have accepted the apology and eventually made an appeal to the administration on the same .

In a related development, another group dubbing themselves as concerned students has also planned to hold vigils and protests tomorrow, 25 October against what they call unreasonable suspension of Ekari Orama Mathuka.

The group has indicated that another episode of protests against academic calendar will likely erupt on Wednesday, 26 October should the administration fails to serve the students with responses in favour of students.

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