- Crying too long after being beaten
- Not crying after being beaten
- Crying without being beaten
- Standing where elders are sitting
- Sitting while elders are standing
- Walking around aimlessly where elders are seated
- Eating food prepared for visitors
- Refusing to eat
- Coming back home after sunset
- Eating at the neighbour’s home
- Generally being too moody
- Generally being too excited
- Losing a fight with older age mate
- Winning a fight with your age mate
- Eating too slowly
- Eating too quickly
- Eating too much
- Not finishing your food
- Finishing your food and scraping your plate
- Eating and talking
- Sleeping while the elders in the house have already woken up
- Looking at the visitors while they are eating
- Stumbling and falling when walking
- Looking at an elder eye ball to eye ball
- When an elder is talking to you and you blink
- When an elder is talking to you and you stare and not blink
- When you look at an elder through the corner of your eye
- When your mates are playing street football and you join them
- When your mates are playing and you don’t join them
- When you don’t wash your dish after eating
- When you wash your dish improperly
- When you almost break your dish
- When you break your dish
- When you bite your nails.
34.. When you don’t bath. - When you bath too quickly
- When you take too long to bath.
- When you’re beaten in school for misbehaving
- When a car almost knocks you down
- When a car knocks you down and you don’t die.
- For not answering when spoken to
- For answering back when spoken to.
42 Beaten for going to Church or Mosque late. - Beaten for borrowing shoe/wears from friends.
- Giving salt or needle to neighbors without their permission.